I design, I develop, I make


A maker based in Upstate New York.
Turning ideas into applications.

© 2025 Mubashar Iqbal

Too simple for Apple

August 16th, 2015

For the last 6 months I’ve been using a weather app on my iPhone. It’s a single screen app. It shows the weather only for my current location. It shows a forecast for the next hour, summary for today and the for the next 6 days. I wrote it, because this was the weather app I wanted.

Too simple

I don’t know if anyone else wants an App like this. I thought I’d submit it to the app store and find out, but it was deemed too simple for the App Store.

An app that turns on the screen to make a flashlight is ok. An app that play a fart sound is ok. Something that gets your current location, fetches the weather for that location and displays it in a simple to understand layout is too simple?

Sample screen for my weather app

Also, apparently you can get the same weather data from the preloaded Apple weather app so why would you need another weather app? Anti-competitive much?

Why did I write a simple weather app?

I looked at a bunch of apps before I wrote my own. I just wanted something that would get me my information quickly and easily on one screen. With little or no setup.

I hated having to click sometimes 3times to get a the summary for the next week. Always having to click from screen to screen to get the information I wanted. The color grid also allows me at a glance to see roughly how hot or cold it is outside.

While I prefer my app over the stock weather app, I don’t think its any better, just different. While I totally understand that Apple has the right to approve or disprove any submissions, doing so for the reasons they outlined seems very strange.

If you’re an Android user you can get the app! I was waiting until I got the iOS version in the app store before promoting, but don’t know when if ever that will happen.

I wrote the app for myself, and will continue to use it, sorry you can’t on the iPhone.