I design, I develop, I make


A maker based in Upstate New York.
Turning ideas into applications.

© 2024 Mubashar Iqbal


November 24th, 2017


Accepting is a growing list of places you can spend your cryptocurrency, focusing first on Bitcoin, but eventually any and all crypto currencies.

Like everyone else I’ve been watching the Bitcoin “bubble” grow and grow.

The price for a Bitcoin has grown to over $8,000, up from around $700 just a year ago. The growth isn’t limited to just Bitcoin.


I launched 500coins earlier this year, which lists the top 500 crypto-currencies, but there are well over 1,000 crypto-currencies, many of which have seen an increase in valuation just like Bitcoin has over the past year.

I own a little bit of Bitcoin and some Etherum, and although the process of buying and selling crypto-currency had gotten easier, it is still a hassle. This got me thinking, what if I didn’t need to turn my crypto-currency into FIAT money to spend it?

I started looking for places I could pay directly in crypto-currencies. There aren’t too many places that accept crypto-currencies. The vast majority that do, have started with Bitcoin. I decided it would be good to start collecting those places in easy to use website, and so the idea for Accepting was born.

I could have built the website from scratch. In fact I have built many of these type of curated collection/gallery sites in the past, but I decided to approach things a little differently this time.

I wanted to get a jump start, and remembered there being a couple of products that launched on Product Hunt that were built with these kinds of sites in mind:

Curated seems dead now, but Chipmunk is still available as a Wordpress theme and as a simple HTML template. I didn’t really want to run and maintain a Wordpress site, but I decided I could easily integrate the HTML template into a Laravel site.

Deciding on a name was pretty fun, I went thru PaywithCoin, PaywithCrypto, before I stumbled on Accepting. I wanted something generic enough to allow me to start with Bitcoin, but move into the other crypto-currencies. Using Accepting, gives me that flexibility and is also something short and easy to remember.

I’ve started working on the website a while ago (back in the summer — but got a little distracted with some other projects.) This seems like a good time of year to launch something, anything related to buying things. There also isn’t a bad time to launch anything related to crypto-currencies.


With a resource collection like this, I like to launch with a certain number of resources, but it’s been hard to find a lot places that accept crypto-currencies. So I’m launching and hope I find more, or users submit some I’ve missed, or perhaps more places will start accepting crypto-currencies.

_All the places you can pay with Bitcoin_accepting.io

I hope you checkout the site, and let me know what you think!